West Covina Police Department

About two-thirds of all sworn officers work in this division, which focuses on patrolling city streets, answering calls for service, and identifying potential crime problems. Under the Community Service Area Policing program, four dedicated lieutenants and their crews are assigned a specific quadrant of the City and tasked with resolving public safety concerns for residents, neighborhoods, and businesses. This division includes the Traffic Unit, the K-9 Unit, Jail Operations, Reserve Officers, Police Cadets, and award-winning volunteers who perform non-hazardous duties to free up sworn officers.
The Patrol Division also includes the Special Problems Detail (SPD) which encompasses the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team, Hostage Negotiation Team (HNT), and Robotics Team.

Service Area
The West Covina Police Department has organized the City into four service areas, with one lieutenant assigned to each area.
This allows residents to call or e-mail their lieutenant directly so that non-emergency public safety issues or neighborhood concerns are quickly addressed. Continue to use 911 for emergency calls.
Service Area Policing is a more citizen-friendly style of policing that provides for the following:
- Increased police accountability to citizens
- Reduced crime
- Improved service to residents and business owners
- Increased citizen satisfaction and communication with the Police Department
- Increased access to city government
- Improved neighborhood quality of life
- We are always willing to meet with residents and business owners. You are encouraged to communicate with the Lieutenant responsible for your service area via telephone or email.
The West Covina Police Department is committed to working with you to improve the community.
Contact your service area lieutenant

Traffic Unit
The West Covina Police Department investigates all reported traffic collisions that occur in the City of West Covina. When an initial report is taken at the scene by patrol officers, it is forwarded to the Traffic Unit for further investigation if it involves a hit and run. The Traffic Unit finalizes the determination of fault and, if necessary, issues a citation for the traffic violation.
The Traffic Unit responds to and investigates all fatal traffic collisions that occur within the City of West Covina. In the unfortunate event of a fatal traffic collision, the area of the collision must be preserved until the field investigation is complete. This may result in street closures for several hours.

The West Covina Police Department maintains a Type I jail facility operated by jailers. The entire jail operation is overseen by an assigned lieutenant. The jail facility provides enough bed space to accommodate 4 females and 12 males, with 6 additional beds that can accommodate either males or females as necessary. Most individuals in custody are pre-trial arrestees who have been arrested for misdemeanors and felonies. Because we are a Type I jail facility we are only authorized to hold individuals a maximum of 96 hours, precluding any emergencies.
The West Covina Police Department Jail maintains a compliment of 7 jailers with assistance from police cadets. Jailers must complete a California Standard and Corrections (STC) Certified Corrections Officer Academy. Additionally, they receive continued training of at least 24 hours every two years. The jail supervisor has also completed the California Board of Corrections STC certified supervisory training.
The mission of the West Covina Police Department Jail is to maintain the safety, security, and well-being of the inmates in our custody.
Individuals in custody are informed of their ability to contact family, employers, and legal counsel, and assist the families with information about those we hold in custody as well as visitation. Additionally, they serve three meals daily, which are strictly regulated by the state and county for their caloric and nutritional content. Each individual is afforded access to showers, basic hygiene articles, and reading material.

Canine Unit
Certain police officers team with their specially trained canines, who aid in detection, enforcement, controlling subjects, and officer safety.

Special Problems Detail
The Special Problems Detail (SPD) of the West Covina Police Department consists of several specialized units that combine their tactics, skills, and efforts to deal with major incidents that occur within the City of West Covina or when called upon by surrounding communities. SPD consists of the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team, Hostage Negotiation Team (HNT), and Robotics Unit.

Property & Evidence
The Property & Evidence Unit is responsible for the storage and disposition of all property or evidence collected by members of the police department during the course of their duties.
Retrieving Property
If you are an owner needing to retrieve property in possession of the Property & Evidence Unit, please call (626) 939-8573 for an appointment. Property is usually available for release Monday through Friday by appointment only.
To request the release of property for someone that is in custody, fill out the Property Release Form and call (626) 939-8573 to schedule an appointment for release. This form must be notarized.

Investigative & Administrative
The Investigations & Support Services Division (ISSD), is responsible for employees assigned to investigations, administrative, or support services. This division is responsible for providing investigation and follow-up services associated with all major crimes, as well as overseeing the centralized administrative functions of the police department.
The police personnel assigned to ISSD work specialized assignments such as automotive thefts, financial crimes, burglaries, court coordination, homicide, domestic violence, victim advocacy, robbery, sex crimes, property & evidence, and forensics. The detectives conduct intense follow-up investigations and prepare cases for court prosecutors to deliver justice to crime victims.
The police personnel assigned to Administration include Communications, the Records Bureau, Professional Standards and Training, and the support staff for the Chief of Police.
The West Covina Service Group (WCSG) technology enterprise is also under Administration.

The Records Bureau personnel are responsible for data entry of all police reports into law enforcement databases, the maintenance of police files, and assisting the public.
The Records Bureau is a vital function of the West Covina Police Department in providing service to the community at the public lobby counter and by telephone. In addition to assisting the general public, Records Bureau personnel assist sworn personnel with report management and subpoena oversight.

Neighborhood Watch
National Neighborhood Watch was instituted nationally in 1972. Since 1972, the National Neighborhood Watch Program (housed within the National Sheriffs’ Association) has worked to unite law enforcement agencies, private organizations, and individual citizens in a nationwide effort to reduce crime and improve local communities. The success of the program has established Neighborhood Watch as the nation’s premier crime prevention and community mobilization program. Visible signs of the program are seen throughout America on street signs, window decals, community block parties, and service projects.

The mission of the HOPE Team is to provide an enhanced level of safety for our community and businesses by addressing criminal activity in our city parks and surrounding neighborhoods as well as addressing homelessness issues city-wide. Working in conjunction with our City’s Mental Evaluation Team (MET), Code Enforcement, Community Services, Public Works, and our patrol resources, the HOPE Team will be able to provide a more consistent response effort to assist the homeless population with available resources and enforce laws in our City parks and surrounding areas. The HOPE Team will also assist patrol with the handling of transient-related calls for service city-wide as well as monitoring locations throughout the City where homelessness issues are prevalent.
We are extremely happy to have them as part of our team and help us continue to help our community.
For assistance from our HOPE Team or LACADA please email them at the links below. For an immediate response regarding suspicious activity or a crime in progress please contact the West Covina Police Department Dispatch Center at (626) 939-8500.

School resource officers (SROs) play a crucial role in enhancing the safety and security of educational institutions within our cities. These sworn personnel are law enforcement officers specifically assigned to schools, working closely with students, staff, and administrators to create a safe and positive learning environment. Beyond their traditional law enforcement duties, SROs often engage in proactive measures such as preventive education programs, building relationships with students, and addressing potential issues before they escalate. By actively participating in the school community, SROs aim to bridge the gap between law enforcement and education, fostering trust and cooperation that contributes to the overall well-being of students and the school community.
SROs are NOT school disciplinarians. Violations of school rules are the responsibility of the faculty. SROs are on campus to help educate students, as well as assist in providing diversion and mediation programs in order for students to stay on track and complete their education. These officers often serve as mentors, providing guidance and support to students facing challenges both inside and outside of the school environment. By participating in school events, engaging in classroom discussions, and being a visible presence on campus.